Publication date Jun 8, 2020
friend, by the grace of God, keep going forward! ⏩
Publication date Jun 8, 2020
Many people who have signed up for “A Miracle Every Day” write in and share their lives with me. This touches me deeply, and I’m grateful for their trust. I pray, sometimes I cry in the face of their suffering, sometimes I smile in the face of their miracle. I see God acting in many people’s lives, and I give Him all the glory!
I’ve seen many truly difficult situations like sickness, homelessness, mourning for losses or family members who aren’t doing well…But what hurts me the most often has to do with betrayal from someone close. Sadly there are many such stories coming out of this concentrated time at home because of COVID-19. A child sexually molested by an adult (often in the family), a woman whose husband cheated on her, a Christian feeling rejected by his/her church or home group...things like these happen, and a feeling of betrayal sets up camp in these people’s lives. How do they trust others again? How do they begin to live again?
Jesus Himself was betrayed. He was sold for a few pieces of silver by one of His disciples, a man who had been beside the Son of God for three years and had witnessed miracle after miracle accomplished by His hand. Judas had shared everything in Jesus’ life! He had seen His compassion, His love, His gentleness, His battles, and suddenly, he decided to betray Him. And he did it right after taking the bread and wine, the Passover, with Him. What an outrage! What horrific betrayal.
Yet, through this appalling disillusionment and deception, Jesus would perfectly accomplish God’s plan to save us. After Judas sold Him, Jesus was arrested and condemned to death. And on this cross, He carried all of our sins, sicknesses, and every betrayal we would ever suffer.
There is hope. This hope is Jesus Christ! His friend’s betrayal broke His heart. But instead of focusing on Judas, He simply said to him, ‘“What you do, do quickly.’” (the Bible, John 13:27, NKJV) Then He went forward, onwards toward His mission. This is what He calls you to do, too, friend. Keep going forward!
By the grace of God, go forward, forgive, forget what is behind, live in newness of life! “Therefore we were buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.” (Romans 6:4)
Don’t dwell any more on what is in the past. Don’t fix your attention there any longer. Yes, people have disappointed, betrayed, abused, neglected, rejected you, perhaps also during this difficult pandemic. But Christ will not disappoint, betray, or reject you. He will always treat you with love. Go forward, friend!
Pray with me...“Lord, I choose to go forward. I can’t do it in my own strength, but I can through Your grace! I choose to live again...I choose to forgive and live in newness of life. In Jesus’ name, amen!”