Publication date Apr 1, 2022

“Can I possibly forgive you for this?”

Publication date Apr 1, 2022

I was sitting on top of the roof of a huge apartment complex across from Rotterdam’s theater. We looked out over the harbor. Our chairs were placed close to the edge so we could have a beautiful view. 

I was presenting a T.V. program. During one of the recordings, I met a father whose daughter had been murdered. The perpetrator was her boyfriend at the time. As the father shared the story, he had to wipe away his tears regularly, and so did I.

“What does forgiveness mean to you?” I asked.

He looked me straight in the eyes. His eyes spoke volumes. “Forgiving is hard; I’m so angry and so sad…but I’d like to.”

Forgiveness is hard. 

Jesus’ executioners were cruel. The Roman soldiers completely indulged themselves in the torture they inflicted upon others. Jesus had not only felt this, but He had also seen the people who had tortured Him. When death was just a short time away, Jesus spoke these words:

“‘Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.’...” (Luke 23:34, NIV, bold added) 

Were the Roman soldiers sorry?Were there perhaps a few Pharisees apologizing?


Everything Jesus was entitled to…He gave up. Even His right to retribution.

Jesus died free of resentment, hatred, and bitterness.

But you may say, “I’m not like Jesus. He can do that. As for me, I can’t forgive.”

Jesus forgives you of that, too. He grants you a soft heart, free from anger. He wants to help you go through this process of forgiveness, step by step.

Granting forgiveness to others brings you freedom!

Jesus could have forgiven His torturers in His thoughts, but He demonstrated the power of spoken words. 

friend, by forgiving, you can get rid of bitterness. 

Shall we pray together? “Father, I don’t know where to begin when I’m so angry with someone. Help me, Lord. I choose to want to forgive, and I trust that You are going to help me. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

Your life is powerful when you forgive.

When you forgive someone, you release that person, therefore also releasing yourself to live a fuller, freer life.

Questions to ponder:

  1. Whom would you like to forgive, but you just haven’t been able to yet?
  2. What has Jesus forgiven you for that has surprised you the most?
  3. Is there an area in your life right now where you are seeking justice for yourself or retribution?
  4. What happens when you realize more and more that Jesus has forgiven you?

Remember…you are a miracle!

I am your friend,

Wilma Veen

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