Publication date Oct 1, 2024

Can You Face Your Problems Today?

Publication date Oct 1, 2024

Is there currently a problem in your life that you're ignoring?

Perhaps it's the unopened letters sitting on your desk because you're afraid of their contents? Or maybe the problem you're ignoring is your spouse? It's obvious that something is between you, but you don't feel like facing it, even though God's desire is:

"...Seek peace and pursue it earnestly." (Psalm 34:15 ESV

friend, Jehoshaphat’s story clearly shows what happens when you run away from or ignore a problem. If he had ignored the army marching to destroy him, he would have been defeated because he wouldn’t have been prepared.

Do you know what God advised him when he had this problem? "Go down against them tomorrow…" (2 Chronicles 20:16 ESV).  Not exactly what you want to hear when you'd rather ignore your problem, right, friend?

Yet God says today: "Face your problem, friend." Yes, open those letters that scare you. Bring peace to your relationship by addressing the problem that's eating away at you—IN GOD'S PEACE—and no longer pushing it aside. Take the first step!

And do you know what God promises you as you take the first step? "Tomorrow go down against them…Stand firm, hold your position, and see the salvation of the LORD on your behalf" (2 Chronicles 20:16-17 ESV

Hooray! Isn't that the most encouraging message ever, friend?

God is saying to you today:

"Face your problem, and I will give you the victory!"

Don't wait any longer. Today is the day God wants to reward your courage, friend! Address what you've been ignoring and suppressing for too long and let yourself be surprised by God's help!

You are a miracle!

Deborah Rosenkranz

Singer-songwriter and author, but especially Jesus' biggest fan!