Publication date Nov 28, 2020

Can you shift your attitude to gratitude?

Publication date Nov 28, 2020

When was the last time you got your yadah on? 

There are times in all of our lives when our hearts are filled with gratitude towards God. Many times we find ourselves in a silent, introspective appreciation. Just recently, I was given a great honor by our city, and I was overwhelmed with a sense of appreciation and gratitude. I remembered my old days of drug abuse and severe depression. I couldn’t help but praise God with my words and shed a tear or two. 

However, there are other times that require a shout, loud praise, clapping, or cheering. The word gratitude, used in Psalms 28, is yadah. It’s loud, boisterous, and energetic, and it’s all directed to God. I think David felt this way in Psalms 28:7: “The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise Him.” (Psalms 28:7, NIV) 

friend, have you ever been to a sports event? The loud cheers are sometimes deafening. Shouldn’t we do this for God? Of course, we should.

Have you ever heard the song “Enemy’s Camp” by Brownsville Revival? The lyrics are “Well, I went to the enemy’s camp, and I took back what he stole from me.” friend, could you take a minute and listen to this victorious song? Can you sing it without getting a little rowdy? I can’t.  

John Maxwell says our attitude will determine our altitude. Wow! 

Gratitude will give you strength and health. Your focus will be positive and upbeat. Your words will encourage others and yourself. If you focus on all of the loss and pain, depression and discouragement can seep in.

friend, will you take a moment every day this week to list everything you’re grateful to God for? Your health, wealth, salvation, healing, and the Spirit. 

Can you shift your attitude to gratitude? Can you thank God with a loud shout or clap offerings? It will shift the atmosphere in your world. 

Because you’re a miracle.

Paul Marc Goulet