Did you wake up without solutions today?

You don't need all the answers today, to find your joy along the way!
And with that, I wish you a wonderful good morning, afternoon, or evening—whenever this email reaches you, friend!
Sometimes I think that you and I understand so much and know so many theories and Bible stories, yet we run right past the problem-solver!
God wants us to read the wonderful stories divine and be inspired to live our own miracles in time!
Jesus didn’t say for nothing: "Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father." (John 14:12 ESV)
Even GREATER works! How are we going to experience BIGGER miracles if we believe SMALL?
God had promised Abraham that his descendants would be as countless as the stars in the sky. And even though everything seemed hopeless, ABRAHAM DID NOT GIVE UP HOPE BUT BELIEVED THESE WORDS. That’s how he became the father of many nations. (See Romans 4:18 NLT)
How did he experience his great miracle? THAT'S how. And THAT was his decision—to keep hoping, even though everything seemed hopeless.
Yes, Abraham also had the choice to look at his aging wife Sarah each morning and think: “I don't believe this old body can bear a child anymore. How could it possibly work? There IS no solution.” Or, despite all HOPELESSNESS, he could choose to keep HOPING and believing. And that’s exactly what he did! Oh, I love that.
Those who know God understand, their hope is safe within His hand!
You know, friend, I often wake up "without solutions" for my problems too, but I resolve that tension with a simple prayer:
“Thank you, Father, that YOU have a GOOD solution ready for me.” Amen.
That is HOPE. That is FAITH. That is trusting in your God’s intervention.
Are you ready for your own big miracles, friend?
You are a miracle!