Do you feel hopeless?

"I only see darkness right now..."
Honestly, is that how you're feeling, friend? Then let yourself be encouraged today! Recently, something really noticeable happened: many friends and even my family kept sending me photos of beautiful rainbows outside their homes.
And I thought: "God, why can't I see one? Half the world seems to be seeing rainbows—the sign of Your faithfulness—but not me!" And maybe you're thinking the same thing right now, friend: "Everyone around me is experiencing miracles, my friends are telling me about God's interventions, but He seems to be passing me by."
Let me tell you what God whispered in my ear: "Don't just sit here while you're waiting for a miracle. Get up, go outside, and let me surprise you there!"
Yes, friend, this one step is something we must take—in faith: You experience your miracle when you get up, not when you give up.
Elijah, who fled into the desert with death threats hanging over him and hid there, then had to be told by God just as clearly: "Come out of your cave and stand before me. For I will pass by you." (1 Kings 19:11 NLT)
friend, It's really worth reading the entire 19th chapter because you'll quickly see that Elijah probably felt very much the same way. He knew the doubts: "Why bother getting up again?" and the worries: "They're out to get me." He had every reason to hide. But God wanted only one thing. The one thing He wants from you today too, friend:
"Come out of your cave and stand before me. For I will pass by you." (1 Kings 19:11 NLT)
Will you do it today, friend? Get up—and not give up, to experience YOUR MIRACLE?
You are a miracle!