Do you have the right friends, friend?
"Tell me with whom you consort, and I will tell you who you are; if I know how you spend your time, then I know what might become of you." You may have heard this powerful quote from Johann Wolfgang von Goethe before.
What would your answer to the first statement be, friend? Who are your friends, and how do they act? You'll notice, especially in life's challenging situations, that your choice of friends plays a big role.
"…'Can the blind lead the blind? Will they not both fall into a pit?'" (Luke 6:39, NIV) It is very important to also have friends who are further along on their spiritual path than you are, friends you can learn from and ask for advice that will really benefit you.
friend, I've made decisions on my own many times in my life, not giving my friends all the information that I myself had. As a result, they couldn't advise me properly.
Actually, I held back information because I wanted them to be as excited as I was about the idea—I wanted them to see only the good. Or I did it because I had something to hide. But unless we bring all the facts to light, we won't see the whole truth…
What was the result in my life? I fell into the aforementioned pit and eventually had to tell my friends the whole truth. And what's more, the injuries from my decisions often took a long time to heal.
friend, I hope you see how important honesty and your choice of friends are. If you feel like no one wants to be friends with you, I'd encourage you to ask why and change that. Also, you can start being a friend to those who aren't as far along in their journey as you are.
friend, you have so much to give!
You are a miracle!