Publication date Apr 21, 2020
Do you know where your anger comes from?
Publication date Apr 21, 2020
It’s easy to figure out where anger comes from when it’s sparked by an immediate or obvious situation. Perhaps like the upsetting circumstances the coronavirus has created. Or as another example, let’s say someone runs into you at the grocery store (or cuts in front of you in line) and doesn’t apologize. It stirs your anger.
But sometimes it’s more difficult to understand why we’re angry...especially if we’re not aware that we are...The anger is thus lying under the surface within our souls, as if asleep. Like a volcano, it can wake up at any moment, wreaking havoc without you even knowing where it originated!
Perhaps this has happened to get angry without knowing why. Where could this latent anger be coming from?
- An offense never forgiven,
- A behavior “learned” in a contentious family environment,
- An undesired breakup,
- An unresolved death or time of grieving,
- And many other reasons are possible. Only God can make it clear to you what’s producing this anger inside of you.