Publication date Feb 11, 2020
Do you like demonstrations and strikes?
Publication date Feb 11, 2020
Demonstrating is a means people use to express their complaints or anger: strikes, blockades, calls for action on social networks, etc. Dissatisfaction makes itself heard and makes noise. That’s what we’ve seen in recent months, for example, with nationwide strikes in France against pension reforms.
God is a demonstrator as well...but a different kind! He doesn’t employ the same language as men, and He doesn’t use violence. Rather, He demonstrates His love for us. That’s what the Bible tells us here:
“But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8, NKJV)
When the Lord desires to get your attention, friend, it’s with messages full of love, at times with gentleness, at times with ardor:
- He reminds you that you’re His child, no matter what happens.
- He seeks to bring you back to the right path if you’ve strayed from it.
- He takes you by the hand when you’re weary.
- He longs for you and values the time you give Him!
- You seem to forget Him,
- You distance yourself from Him,
- You allow life’s circumstances to separate you from Him.