Do You Love Me, friend?
"But, but, I can't help it, it was the others...!" Oh, it's a phrase we've all heard before...when someone hopelessly tries to talk their way out of a difficult situation.
Just recently I heard the phrase in a movie and heard people around me saying, "Yeah, yeah, it’s always the fault of others. You could have done more!"
You could have—I could have—done more!
This phrase suddenly popped into my head as I was getting ready early in the morning with another long day ahead of me, "Am I really doing what God wants me to do?"
friend, you may be thinking, "Sure Déborah does. After all, she's always telling us about God." And that is certainly God's will, but what is most important of all?
When the scribes asked Jesus this very question, He answered plainly, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment." (Matthew 22:37-38 NIV)
This, of course, has to do with my work, but most of all with my heart, with my basic attitude. It’s something I have to question and correct often, because I want to love God before I pass on something from Him. I want to love God before I tell others about Him. Do you love God at the start of each new day, or only when it pops into your mind?
If you are truly in love with someone, you would even be late for work to stay with that person for a moment longer. However, I do not recommend this! Haha! But in the same way, God wants to always be first in your life, to be loved above and before all else.
So how would you answer Him if He asked you, "Do you love Me with all your heart, friend?" Do you say, "I could have loved You more?" or, "Yes, I love You with all my heart!"
You are a miracle!