Do you need help?

I just managed to brake in time. A little boy had run onto the busy main road in front of me.
There were no adults in sight. No one looking after him. So, I jumped out of the car to see for myself what was going on... only to discover that the parents were sitting in the pub at midday.
friend, it broke my heart to hear that. What the child had done was a pure cry for attention: "I need help."
And maybe you're doing dangerous things right now because you're not feeling well, friend. Because you don't feel "seen." Maybe even because your business is going downhill.
Starting with allowing all these negative thoughts: "Man, another lousy day. My life is terrible," to behaving unlovingly or even aggressively towards others. Maybe for you, it's reaching for the bottle or the complete opposite of what the boy did: You'd rather hide from everything and everyone.
friend, the big and important difference between you and the boy who put himself in danger with his cry for help is this:Your Father not only watches you live; your Father SEES you.
And even if it feels like He's not rushing to your aid right now, you can trust that He won't let you break down! Sometimes He allows such moments so we can let Him back into our lives.
Wake up your own heart today(!) and remind it of the truth: Him! Because under no circumstances does God distance Himself from you. For you can be 100% sure that He will intervene in time!
Will you trust Him, friend?
Let's pray this Psalm together:
“I cry out to God Most High, to God, who vindicates me.” (Psalm 57:2 NIV)
“Take heart, my soul! Wake up!" (Psalm 57:8 NIV)
friend, your God is watching you today: He SEES you!
You are a miracle!