Publication date May 15, 2023

Do You See the Solution, friend?

Publication date May 15, 2023

God already has the answer to your problem! 

Sometimes it takes a while for us to see that answer. Why? Maybe because we are stubborn, or because we never wanted to end up here, or we feel that God has treated us unfairly. "What did I do wrong?" 

That's what Hagar, Sarah's handmaid, must have asked herself. When Sarah couldn't get pregnant, she asked Abraham to sleep with her maid, Hagar. (That scenario was not uncommon in their day and age). But once the child was born, Hagar became proud. Sarah couldn't stand it and sent her away! (see Genesis 21:9-20 NIV)

Hagar ended up in the wilderness of her life. Far from good provision. Far from safety. Wait, was that really the case? She felt that way, but only because she connected her safety to a place where people could provide it.

What if security is not a person, but your God?

If God is your safety, you will be safe even if the desert is your home!

It was quite clear that Hagar was not yet aware of this safety, for as she stumbled through the desert and ran out of water, she put her boy under a bush. "Then she went off and sat down about a bowshot away, for she thought, ‘I cannot watch the boy die.’ And as she sat there, she began to sob." (Genesis 21:16 NIV)

One of the verses that follows is very important.

"Then God opened her eyes and she saw a well of water. So she went and filled the skin with water and gave the boy a drink." (Genesis 21:19 NIV)

God let them see a well that must have been there all along, but in seeking her safety in people, she could not see the answer, the solution, which was right in front of her.

friend, when you keep your head down and want to give up, I want to put one thing on your heart: Ask God to let you see your well, your answer, which is right in front of you. 

Thank you for you!

You are a miracle!


Deborah Rosenkranz

Singer-songwriter and author, but especially Jesus' biggest fan!