Do You Still Have Contact?
"Surely you have contact with so-and-so. Can't you get me free concert tickets?" Yes, those who have contacts also have many friends cropping up, because everyone loves to get tickets for free.
I have this friend who has an incredible number of contacts and always has a solution for everything! It's incredible how many people contact him when they need something! I admire him a lot for that too, because he's always happy to give!
In his place, I would quickly reach my limits! My thoughts, when people want something from me, are that they’re not always coming with an attitude of love. Sometimes I react with disappointment: "Great, now they contact me, but when I need something, where are they?"
friend, this friend I'm telling you know Him too! It's Jesus! This contact can give you everything. He is the way, the truth, your whole life! I don't know anyone who gives as selflessly as He does!
This morning I realized how often I start my prayer with: "Today I don't feel like doing this; help me," or: "You see what's coming up today, so can You..." and it broke my own heart to realize how seldom I want Jesus simply for Himself! Just like that, without asking anything of Him except His presence.
friend, let's not be one of those people who want something from Jesus but don't really want Him ourselves. Let’s celebrate Him together today for who He is. We can do that beautifully with the last Psalm (okay, I modernized it a bit):
"Praise God in his sanctuary, praise him in the vault of heaven that shows his great power! Praise him for his mighty deeds, praise him, for his greatness is immeasurable! Praise him on the bass, praise him with A and E guitars! Praise him with drums and dancing, praise him with keyboards and background vocals! Praise him with happy faces, praise him also with loud clapping! Everything that breathes, praise the Lord! Hallelujah!" (read another version here: Psalm 150:1-6 NIV)
You see, friend, it's not that hard!
You are a miracle!