Publication date Jan 3, 2025

Does it have to come to a crash first?

Publication date Jan 3, 2025

You’ve probably experienced a thunderstorm and seen huge lightning bolts before, friend. Recently, as I was sitting on a plane at night, I witnessed a storm like I’d never seen before, even during my years as a flight attendant.

Every 5 seconds, another powerful lightning bolt flashed, and from this perspective, it was simply breathtaking! Surrounded by all these massive clouds that were constantly lit up by lightning, I couldn’t help but worship: “My God, how great and mighty you are!”

And in that moment, I also realized how little it might take for God to say: “I can’t bear to watch this on Earth anymore.” So, I continued to pray: “Father, please have mercy on people. Even when I disappoint You, I’m sorry. I want to be someone who brings You joy.”

Can I tell you what became instantly clear to me in that moment, friend? God wasn’t disappointed because I fail sometimes, no. I simply felt God place this on my heart, and I want to share it with you. He said:

“My children don’t disappoint me when they stumble and fall again and again. What truly saddens me is when they don’t pay attention when I show myself to them. When they don’t listen when I speak to them.

“Déborah, even you needed hundreds of lightning bolts before you put your headphones down and paused the movie on your phone. My children are all so distracted. One highlight has to follow the next, something always has to be happening, and I have to make a loud noise before they seek Me – and what is eternal – again.”

friend, this deeply moved me on that flight. Yes, we are all distracted. All day long. Personally, I want to make a conscious effort to change this in my life. To put my phone away more often and look to Him more. To the One who was, who is, and who is to come.

“Set your minds on things above.” (Colossians 3:2 NLT)

Don’t get distracted; instead, choose to be directed toward Him!

Would you like to ask yourself today how aware you are of the presence of the One who is eternal?

You are a miracle!

Deborah Rosenkranz

Singer-songwriter and author, but especially Jesus' biggest fan!