Publication date Oct 27, 2024

Does the Bible still hold true?

Publication date Oct 27, 2024

"Déborah, so many people have tampered with the Bible in the meantime. I don't think what's in there today is what God intended to say to people."

A dear friend of mine just shared her perspective with me. And friend, don't think that in moments like these, I'm sitting here rubbing my hands together, eager to hit back with deep theological arguments.

No. I like to put myself in the shoes of people before I say anything. You know, there's a verse in the Bible that I had never heard in a sermon before, and it really struck me when I read it: "Outdo one another in showing honor." (Romans 12:10 ESV

God wants us to love, friend. Loving means listening. And you'll naturally be heard as well.

Internally, I thought, "If I don't have a deep theological answer here, what can I say?" And friend, here's my valuable tip for you: You don't have to have all the answers, but you can always have a response. "Huh," you might think. "How does that work?"

Share from your life! Share your personal experience! And an important tip: If you want to talk about your personal relationship with Jesus, that personal relationship must exist!

I had experienced an answered prayer just that day—a small one—but isn't our life made up of many small miracles? And so, I could joyfully respond:

I don't know if everything is still accurate, but I see God's Word becoming real in my life since I started believing in it. I rely on what's written in Isaiah 40: 'The word of our God will stand forever.'" (Isaiah 40:8 ESV

friend, God will always reward trust! That's why it's so difficult for people who seek a logical explanation for everything to fully trust God with their lives.

Faith means trust. Trust means not knowing yet, but expecting... and most certainly also experiencing!

You are a miracle!

Deborah Rosenkranz

Singer-songwriter and author, but especially Jesus' biggest fan!