Don’t Miss This Today
“My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.” (Exodus 33:14 ESV)
Oh, friend, these words are so powerful. So rich in meaning. So much so, that I encourage you to read all of chapter 33.
Moses had just gone through a powerful disappointment. A big one! What disappointment are you facing right now, friend? When I think about my own current disappointment, God’s words feel so soothing, so comforting, and so rest-giving:
“Let go. It doesn’t matter what’s happening right now because I know that I will go before you, even when people disappoint you or abandon you. I, friend, I am going before you. Focus on Me, and you will find the peace you’ve been missing.”
And here comes the game-changer, friend. Call it temptation, call it the devil blocking my path, but picture this: even if the devil tries to stand in your way, God says, “I myself will go before you and give you rest.” (Exodus 33:14 NLT)
So, if God is going before you and the devil is trying to block your path, that means he’s squeezed right between YOU and YOUR GOD! You’re not the one stuck in this case—he is!
But if you give up now and turn back while God is leading the way, THEN the devil can freely run after you… do you see what I mean, friend? Do you get this picture I’m painting for you? It’s so important to keep this in mind:
God is going before you—just stay close to Him!Because right here is where the devil can’t touch you!
That’s why this verse is priceless, friend:“I myself will go before you and give you rest.” (Exodus 33:14 NLT)
What a God! Thank Him today for that!And I say:
You are a miracle!