Publication date Apr 9, 2020
God hadn’t said His final word… 😀
Publication date Apr 9, 2020
As we’re right in the midst of the Easter season, it’s good to remember everything that our Savior endured out of love for us on the cross...but it’s also good to remember His resurrection! His life-giving power to save, heal the sick, and even raise the dead!
Have you seen the movie “Risen”? This film tells the story of a Roman tribune in charge of investigating the Messiah’s mysterious disappearance. The tomb is empty, and the Roman tribune goes in search of logical explanations. The Romans suspect that the body was stolen and refuse to believe in Christ’s resurrection as He and His disciples had announced. I’ll let you watch it and see how it ends…
This film really touched me. I imagined myself with the disciples, walking with Christ after His death and resurrection. What extraordinary moments to experience! I wish I could’ve been there...
This Easter week, and with everything we’ve experienced through the pandemic, what better than to remember that Jesus is here, still alive and active today! When our Savior was in the tomb and everything seemed to be over, God had yet to say His final word…
This is what Michelle tells us about her son: “My 18-year-old son had run away for 2 weeks, using marijuana and other drugs. I was hugely worried and afraid. Every morning, when I read ‘A Miracle Every Day,’ a message of comfort was waiting for me to help me keep the faith. And the Friday before Easter, my son came home. Today, he’s smoking less and less and is accepting my help. He decided to start going back to school. I know that our Father started a work in him, and this miracle will be used for His people’s edification.”
Only Jesus can transform lives...because “He was buried, and he was raised from the dead on the third day, just as the Scriptures said.” (the Bible, 1 Corinthians 15:4, NLT) He brings you:
- From anguish to peace
- From addictions to freedom
- From rejection to love
- From depression to joy in living
- From darkness to light.