God, the Ultimate Gift Giver!
friend, do you ever think about how generous God is?
Think of the many things he has given you – life, food, clothing, a place to live, air and water, life’s basic necessities. And he even gave us the gift of freedom to choose to follow his instructions or to disobey him. Maybe you think, “That didn’t go so well – look at the broken world we live in!”
But he didn’t stop giving just because we chose to bring sin and evil into our world. That’s when God gave his ultimate gift – his very own Son! And through his son, God gave us forgiveness and eternal life! He gave us unconditional love, “See how much the Father loved us, that we should be called the children of God.” (1 John 3:1, NIV). And he just keeps on giving.
When Anne experienced pain and spiritual brokenness by trying to do what was right, our God generously gave her his fatherly love, so that she could come to have an even deeper, more meaningful relationship with him. He gave her so much more than she expected.
Do you know that God actually gets excited about giving to you? It’s a joy for him to give! The Bible tells us, “He celebrates and sings because of you, and he will refresh your life with his love.” (Zephaniah 3:17 CEV)
friend, do you know what else? He wants us to be just like him, and enjoy giving too! Jesus says, “If you give to others, you will be given a full amount in return. It will be packed down, shaken together, and spilling over into your lap. The way you treat others is the way you will be treated.” (Luke 6:38 CEV) Paul adds, “God loves people who love to give.” (2 Corinthians 9:7 CEV)
So, I’m inviting you to try and enjoy giving this week. You might give encouragement, time, friendship, something you own, or money to meet a need. Ask God to show you ways to do those things everywhere you can.
Remember, you are a miracle!