Publication date Sep 13, 2021

God’s will be done

Publication date Sep 13, 2021

We are all called to bring the Kingdom of Heaven to the Earth realm. It sounds easy but isn’t because God honors the free will of every man and woman. Let’s face the facts—if it weren’t for free will, God could have everyone fall into order. He could make every person repent from all of his/her greed, jealousy, evil thoughts, and deeds with one simple word.

The Bible tells us, “So God created mankind in His own image, in the image of God He created them; male and female He created them.” (Genesis 1:27, NIV) Being created in the image of God, we have free will. We have the power to make choices every day. These choices can bring heaven to Earth or hell to Earth.

We want the Kingdom of Heaven to invade the Earth, and with that comes peace, love, unity, and kindness. We want equal rights, democracy, and liberty. However, the misuse of individual free will leads to conditions that cause harm and disrespect to people made in God’s image. This problem demands solutions. 

There is another force with a much darker agenda: Satan. He wants war, greed, abuse, murder, alcoholism, prejudice, and hatred. He also has free will, and he wants to influence mankind to bring his kingdom into absolute power on Earth.

friend, should God wipe out all human beings and start all over? Should He wipe out Satan and change the order of the universe? The answer is of course not. God set up the universe and His creation in a particular order. Again, He gave us free will because we are created in His image. 

Therefore, human beings, each created by God with a soul, body, spirit, and free will, play a unique role in the perfect will of God to establish His Kingdom on Earth. It’s a battle to which I’ve given myself. The Bible says, “Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.” (Ephesians 6:11, NIV)  

It may sound preposterous, but it’s God’s plan and does work. I’m saying yes, and I hope that you do as well because you are a miracle.

Paul Marc Goulet