Publication date Sep 24, 2020
Have you heard of Koinonia?
Publication date Sep 24, 2020
God has an amazing plan for us to never be lonely, and it’s called koinonia. Koinonia is a Greek word meaning intimate relationships, community, communion, fellowship and sharing with one another. Koinonia was instituted by God so the Christian community would never feel alone and would always have their needs met. “All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need.” (Acts 2:44-45, NIV)
Do you have koinonia in your life? When true koinonia is practiced, all needs are met, and there is no loneliness or need. Like the Three Musketeers would say, “All for one, and one for all!” Koinonia speaks of real communities, where every member plays a significant role.
One of my brothers searched the world for intimacy and truth. He traveled in a van and hitchhiked around Europe during the ’70s. He tried eastern religions, drugs and whatever else he could find, but he finally found peace in a Christian commune. Yes, communes were popular in those days. I believe that deep down, we are all looking for communion or being in community.
friend, have you found your community? I’ve spoken on the subconscious need to find one’s tribe. Have you found your tribe yet?
I’m praying you will find the right church, the right group of friends, the right company and the right team. I encourage you to go where you are celebrated, not just tolerated.
You can’t pick your family, but you can pick your tribe. May God help you.
Because you’re a miracle.