Publication date Jul 1, 2020
Have you put your Nikes on?
Publication date Jul 1, 2020
Today, co-writer Paul Marc Goulet wrote the message of "A Miracle Every Day". I pray his message and audio will bless you today.
We all experience daily battles. We all struggle with relationships; finances; emotions; parenting; careers; or countless other fears, setbacks or situations.
friend, have you learned the secret of victory? Have you conquered your personal demons or struggles?
I had the privilege of going to Rome for ministry several years ago. My wife and I put our running shoes on to discover the city on foot. We love to walk and exercise. We love to find ancient sites and shops along the way. Okay, I must confess: Denise loves the shops, and I endure them to be with her. But that’s another story.
I’ll never forget stumbling upon the Colosseum and the ancient battleground of gladiators. Another more sinister set of activities occurred on this site. Thousands of Christians were martyred in this auditorium in front of thousands of ravenous fans.
Amazed and humbled by this sacred site, we strolled through its monstrous columns and narrow holding cells. I came to a sudden halt, paralyzed by one word carved into a wall: Nike. I was shocked and puzzled by this inscription. What did it mean, and who carved it? Through a little research, I found out it means Victory. I then discovered this verse in 1 John: “for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.” (1 John 5:4, NKJV)
friend, do you need a victory over a worldly problem? We all live in this world, and it can be so hard. COVID-19, riots, wars, sicknesses, family trials, prejudice, death and stress have challenged most of us. Do you need more victory and fewer defeats?
Let’s ask the Holy Spirit to help us conquer the problems the world, and even the devil, may send us: “Lord Jesus, please help friend conquer the battles of this world. Give him/her more power, wisdom and help to overcome and be free. Amen.”
I’ll never know who carved Nike on the wall of the Colosseum, but I do know who carved it in my heart and yours. His name is Jesus the Christ, and He will give us the victory.
Because you’re a miracle.
Paul Marc Goulet
Thank you, Paul Marc, for sharing this today!