He who promised is faithful!
"Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful." (Hebrews 10:23, NIV)
friend, tell me, are you holding "unswervingly" to your hope? Unswervingly is not a word we see very often, but it means "loyally, without turning away or faltering."
Your "unswerving" hope is always tied to what God has called you to do. You certainly don't hope to run a marathon if you don't know, or desire to know, anything about running! Or for me, I'd never hope to win a baking contest because I have absolutely no passion for baking. ;-)
I do hope, though, for something related to my vocation. I'm a singer, and like we discussed yesterday, it's so important to hope "big and loud" and be courageous about sharing our hopes! Here's my big hope, friend: I hope to tour one day with a worship album. That's a big hope because it means I would have to write a whole album of worship songs first, and then it would take a financial miracle to be able to record and release it. And then a whole tour would need to be organized, which, as rewarding as it would be, is a lot of effort and work!
In view of the challenges ahead of us, how good of God to give us hope so we never become hopeless! I'd like to remind you again of the opening verse: "Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful" (Hebrews 10:23, NIV). May we go forward in hope and genuine faith each day, believing in the big hopes God has placed in our hearts. Yes! May we hold unswervingly to them. May we work towards their fulfillment without being influenced by doubt.
I could be swayed by the fact that circumstances are against my big hope right now. But I choose not to be. I will hope in the One who can give me everything it takes, for He who promised is faithful!
friend, I encourage you to write down the hope of your life today and unswervingly—without being swayed—pray and believe for it until it comes to pass!
You are a miracle!