He will show you the way!

"Déborah, I'm not sure if we'll get the right shots today."
The team I had booked for this music video shoot and taken all the way to Fuerteventura spoke what I had also feared. Because we were in an unfamiliar place and had no idea where to go... and time was running out...
friend, in that moment, I could have become very nervous because there was not only a lot of time but also a lot of money invested in this.
But because I started my day with God—and not just this day, but everything I do—I put it all in God's hands: my personal life, my mission, this shoot, just everything, and because God's Word is close to me through daily reading, I blurted out, "Don't worry, God will show us the way!"
Immediately, David's words came to mind:
"...Show me the right path, O Lord; point out the road for me to follow." (Psalm 25:3-4 NLT)
Words that I repeated and prayed myself. friend, I had no idea where we should go on this island that day, but I knew who would lead us there. I had this deep trust and peace within me. A trust and peace that you can also have as you pray this prayer today:
"...Show me the right path, O Lord; point out the road for me to follow." (Psalm 25:3-4 NLT)
Instead of filling my day early in the morning with fear, disappointment and bad mood, I filled it with faith, even though I couldn't see how it would turn out. You too, friend, have the choice NOW to fill your day with fears and worries or to STAY IN HIS PEACE and trust that God will guide you right!
Because yes: at the end of the day, we had such wonderful shots that the producer said, "I think we have too many good shots! It will be difficult to pick the best ones for the music video!"
friend, THIS is your God! He wants the best for you—and a lot of it!
You are a miracle!