Publication date Jul 16, 2020
“Honey, have you seen my keys?”
Publication date Jul 16, 2020
Today, co-writer Paul Marc Goulet wrote the message of "A Miracle Every Day". I pray his message and audio will bless you today.
My wife has a habit of misplacing her keys, cell phone and glasses, all the time. Eventually she finds them, but for a few moments, it’s a panic. I often help her find her keys, and she also helps me when I can’t find something. It’s a marriage that has lasted forty years. Wow, that’s a long time.
friend, have you ever lost your keys, glasses or the TV remote? Have you ever lost something more perspective?
Perspective is a big word that we can often lose. Take the Kingdom, for example: all Christians should walk around this planet telling themselves, “this is not my real home, my Kingdom is Heaven and my real king is Jesus. This world can’t mess with my mind or emotions."
Still, so many of us have lost perspective. It’s like we’ve forgotten why we are here.
We’re not here just to be entertained or happy or super blessed. We’re here to bring the Kingdom of God to earth. We’re not here to be liked by everybody. We’re called to speak the truth in love.
Sometimes, we’ve forgotten why we’re here and who we are. We are not beggars—we are the King's kids. We are not trying to get the world's approval but rather God’s approval.
Peter received the keys of the Kingdom because he realized who Christ is, and was: “Simon Peter answered, ‘You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.’ Jesus replied, ‘Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven.’” (Matthew 16:16-17, NIV)
friend, have you lost perspective, and would you like to get it back?
When you find the real Christ, you will find true perspective...and the real you.
You’re a miracle.
Paul Marc Goulet
Thank you, Paul Marc, for sharing this today!