How Foolish I Was to Forget You....
Today I want to talk about those times when we don't feel Jesus anymore. The reason lies somewhere else, and please have an open heart when you read this, even if you feel caught at first. God loves you, friend, and longs to meet with you today!
The worst of all—and you may feel the same way—are those times when you no longer feel God's nearness. You go to church, but somehow it doesn't reach your heart. You open the Bible, but you feel like you're looking at a blank sheet of paper.
friend, desert times can be positive times. Don't let your fears cause you to stumble.
The fact is: Jesus is still with you! He keeps His promise, "...And you can be sure, I am with you to the very end." (Matthew 28:20 NIRV) You must hang onto this truth, especially in the desert time.
You may also need to do a heart check, because maybe things have crept into your life that take up the space Jesus would otherwise occupy.
The book of Proverbs says, "Those who trust in themselves are fools..." (Proverbs 28:26 NIV)
Have you too, friend, made decisions that may not have been wise?
The Psalm writer David realized this. "I confess my iniquity; I am troubled by my sin.” (Psalm 38:18 NIV)
Have you too, friend, possibly opened the door to sin? You hoped no one would notice, but now you are feeling the consequences and in turn, you no longer feel God’s nearness.
friend, I must do this heart check again and again when I don't feel God anymore. Sometimes it is not the sin that is the trigger, but if so, it is important that you also ask God for forgiveness.
I'm happy to pray a prayer with you, based on Psalm 139:
"Father, please forgive my sin. Take it out of my life. Search me, O God, and look into my heart, examine my thoughts and feelings! See if I am in danger of being unfaithful to You, then bring me back to the way that leads to eternal life!" (See Psalm 139:23-24 NIV)
friend, Jesus is still here! He is near to you, to the end of the world, because He is faithful and keeps His Word!
You are a miracle!