How much of THIS do you have?

How many clothing items do you own, friend?
Recently, I came across a video explaining that in the 1950s, the average woman had about seven outfits a year! Seven! Can you imagine that? 😮
Today, the average woman owns about 100 pieces of clothing and tends to swap them out for new items more regularly. I must admit, my wardrobe has also "grown" a bit since “A Miracle Every Day” started airing on TV in Germany.
And honestly? My friends know how much it stresses me every time I have to put together outfits for filming. It takes so much time and requires a lot of creativity that I’d rather spend writing new messages, haha. Not to mention all the effort of ironing, packing everything into the car, unpacking after filming, and so on… But it’s part of the job.
In Psalms, it says: "It is better to be godly and have little than to be evil and rich.” (Psalm 37:16 NLT)
The example with lots of clothes helps us understand what God means by this verse. He’s not against you being well-off or financially stable—not at all! But He is against anything that consumes so much of your time and creativity that there’s nothing left for Him.
Don’t forget what it says in the well-known verse from Matthew 6:33: "Seek the Kingdom of God above all else..." (Matthew 6:33 NLT).
God doesn’t want to come AFTER in your life; He wants to come BEFORE.
For example, I need many clothes because I know He’s called me to share miracles on Bible TV, not because I’m trying to achieve something for myself.
What do you currently have too much of? It could be too many worries. Maybe it's too many TikTok videos that you watch. Where is God showing up after for you? Where are you wasting time that could be spent on the mission He’s placed in your heart?
You are a miracle!