"I don't care…"

I had to laugh at myself!
At 5:30 in the morning, I jumped out of bed full of ideas for new texts for "A Miracle Every Day" and immediately got to work after my quiet time.
I hadn’t showered yet, I was still in my pajamas, and I hadn’t even brushed my hair. You know how you look in the morning, haha.
When I walked by the big mirror in my living room, I noticed my arms weren’t as firm as they used to be, and I’m starting to get droopy eyelids.
“I don’t care,” I heard myself say as I confidently went back to my workspace. And then I burst out laughing! What just happened here?
I’d say it was something WONDER-ful!
Before my own thoughts even had a chance to jump in with, “Yeah, you’re getting old now, oh wow, Déborah, look at you,” they were already shut down by my mission. Which, by the way, is the same as yours:
“Go and make disciples of all nations.” (Matthew 28:19 NLT)
Or, maybe more simply put: Let people know about the Living Hope wherever you meet them! Be Jesus’ image on this earth!
Because that’s what He made you to be, friend: In the very first page of the Bible, it says: “Then God said, Let us make human beings in our image, to be like us.” (Genesis 1:26 NLT)
I won’t waste time criticizing my reflection when I could be using that time to win people for Jesus!
And because I’ve come to realize that there’s nothing better than that, I happily returned to my desk to write more, because that’s my way of letting people know about the Living Hope.
Your mission will look totally different, but one thing’s for sure: Your mission is much more than your appearance! ;-)
You are a miracle!