Publication date Jun 30, 2020
I want you to know…
Publication date Jun 30, 2020
Do you ever doubt the Lord and His promises, saying to yourself, does God hear me? Is He going to answer me? Where is God in all of this?
friend, today, receive this message as His answer for you:
I want you to know…
I left My throne and was born in a stable, for you.
I came from My glorious heavens and put on a garment of flesh, for you.
I wore a crown of thorns, for you.
I took the blows, the mocking, the spitting, the nails, for you.
I suffered death on the cross, for you. (see the Bible, Philippians 2:8, NKJV)
I gave My life willingly, out of love, for you!
I want you to know it. I want you to hear it. I long for you to feel it. I defeated the power of death and stripped hell of its authority, for you! (Colossians 2:15)
My victory isn’t isn’t military…It’s a cry of love that has spanned the whole earth, the universe, for millennia.
And today I’m here, right next to you. And I want you to know...I love YOU!
friend, you are a recipient of the resounding victory of God’s love for you. I invite you to worship Him with this powerful song today, “Victor’s Crown” by Darlene Zschech, and confess His victory in your life! Go forth in strength, declaring that His unconquerable love and power are perfectly at work!
Pray with me…“God, thank You for Your complete and total victory! It fills me with the reassurance of Your great love. Because of everything You accomplished on the cross, I know that You hear and answer me. Lord, thank You for salvation, for the joy of belonging to You. Your love has vanquished death’s power and has opened the doors of eternal life for me! In Jesus’ name, amen.”