If Jesus doesn't reach out…

"Oh man, he's not reaching out to me at all!"
Do you remember your first big love, friend? How you eagerly waited for a message? For some of us, that was even before cell phones, when you actually had to wait for a call over the landline, or even a letter.
I was so in love with my exchange student back then, who lived in a town beyond Paris. And it felt like an eternity until I finally received a letter from France. In the meantime, my thoughts had plenty of time to play tricks on me: "Déborah, he's already forgotten about you, it wasn't anything serious," and the longer I heard nothing from him, the more I believed those thoughts.
Even worse, when my friends chimed in, saying, "He probably has another girl in France. What could he possibly want from you? Have you seen the other girls there?" Ouch.
Until—suddenly and unexpectedly—a wonderful letter landed in my mailbox and the most beautiful words dispelled all my doubts.
Oh, friend, young love, that was something sweet. And it will help you today to understand that in times when you don't hear from God, you should:
- Not let yourself be deceived by your own thoughts: "God has forgotten you, it wasn't anything serious."
- Not listen when people emphasize your doubts: "What could God possibly have planned for you?"
Because just as unexpectedly, Jesus will suddenly be there, palpable or even visible! Yes, Jesus will come again, He promised that (see John 14:3 NIV)
And He says about steadfast people: "...How blessed are those who have never seen me and yet have believed!" (John 20:29 NIV)
friend, decide today despite all emotions: I will trust Him, and this trust will be rewarded!
"For without faith, no one can please God... anyone who wants to approach God must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him!" (Hebrews 11:6 NIV)
You are a miracle!