If that's really the case, friend...
How often do we sing: “Jesus, You are all I need!”
Recently, I wrote a new song where I used this phrase, and it made me realize once again that we can't get around this statement. Because Jesus IS everything we need.
One morning, after singing this new song for two days, I asked myself: '”If Jesus is everything you need, Déborah, what are you actively doing to show Him that?”
Yes, friend, it's one thing to tell Him. And by the way, He already knows. But it's more about YOUR realization, that YOU finally understand you can’t live without Him... and accordingly, you actively show Him with your life.
But how do you show Jesus that you need Him? That morning, after a short prayer, I wanted to dive straight into my many tasks for the day. Then it dawned on me: 'THIS is one of those moments where I could show Jesus that I need Him.'
I closed my laptop and prayed: "Jesus, I don't want to just get through this long day on my own strength. I want to experience how Your strength carries me through the day. Yes, I need You! Thank You for helping me with everything. Amen."
friend, "In all your ways obey him. Then he will make your paths smooth and straight." (Proverbs 3:6 NIRV)
You're not just meant to survive this day, you're meant to experience it with joy!
Do you want to pray this prayer too, friend? "Jesus, I don't want to just get through this long day on my own strength. I want to experience how Your strength carries me through the day. Yes, I need You! Thank You for helping me with everything. Amen."
friend, Jesus is all you need.
You are a miracle!