Is your computer giving you a hint, friend?
During the time when I felt overwhelmed by everything, I realized that I had a lot of windows open on my computer. Each window represented another task that needed to be completed.
One was for a hotel booking for our next A Miracle Every Day event. Of course, there were several windows open for the texts I write for A Miracle Every Day, open emails that I urgently needed to reply to, a few open Word documents with songs I had started writing, and also an open window on YouTube because I really wanted to watch a particular sermon... sometime.
Of course, all of this was urgent! I was afraid of forgetting something, so I left everything open. And then, my computer suddenly restarted, and everything disappeared!
friend, I knew immediately what had happened. It was clear to me. What I had allowed was neither right nor good. Yes, friend, often, we are the ones who allow this stress to overtake us.
God had gently nudged me several times that this was all too much, but my responding thoughts were that if I didn’t do these things, there would be no progress.
friend, stop trying to do it yourself and let God take over.
In my case, it was good that my computer had closed all the windows. Now, I could start over. I needed that fresh start. In that moment, I decided—once again (yes, you have to do it repeatedly)—to ask God for wisdom before each task and then do it.
friend, where do you need to close all the windows and start over with God?
"Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him, and he will help you." (Psalm 37:5 NLT)
What a beautiful verse! Let's believe that, friend. Let's live it!
You are a miracle!