Publication date Feb 16, 2022

friend, it’s the time of breakthrough!

Publication date Feb 16, 2022

I never get tired of observing God’s creation. It is so astonishing, so extraordinary, so rich in color and beauty. I especially love snowdrop flowers...they’re marvelous.’s the end of winter in a very cold country. The trees are still bare, the Earth has yet to cast off its white, wintery garment...a thin layer of snow covers the ground. Time seems suspended, put on pause. And then, quite unexpectedly, life bursts forth, life triumphs! Small sprouts shoot up and clear a path across the snow, and little white heads show the tips of their noses and then their leaves.

It’s the same for you, friend! During your lifetime, you pass through different seasons...certain seasons are colder than others. It may seem that you’re put “on pause” sometimes, suspended between two states, two seasons...Is redemption possible in this relationship? Will this difficulty ever end?

Yes and yes! Because life triumphed, life swallowed up the power of death! Life is more than a word, a concept, or a state. Life is a person: Jesus Christ, King of Kings and Lord of Lords!

Do you feel it, friend? His life is covering you, permeating your heart, soul, and thoughts. It flows with grace, force, and majesty on the field of your dreams, the land of your existence.

Life bursts forth, life triumphs! You triumph with Jesus! You cross the snowy ground; you pierce through layers of doubt and fear. You break through obstacles. God raises you up—it is the Lord who gives you the victory.

I invite you to declare this scripture today over yourself: “Through Your glorious name and Your awesome power we [I] can push through to any victory and defeat every enemy.” (according to Psalm 44:5, TPT) 

Yes, it’s the time of breakthrough!

Thanks for existing, and you are a miracle!

Eric Célérier