“Jesus Through Us”

I love new things! I love a new item, fresh out of the box. I love a new food that I have never tasted before. I love a fresh perspective on an idea that challenges my thinking. I love a new angle on a familiar passage of scripture that encourages my heart. I love new clothes!
friend, I would love to show you a brand-new wardrobe for today that will allow us to bring something beautiful into the world!
"Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience." (Colossians 3:12 NIV)
When everything around us seems dark and broken, it can be easy to feel powerless. We wonder what we can do to make a difference. The answer? Let Jesus work through us.
The Bible says that as God's chosen people, we are called to clothe ourselves with qualities that reflect His character—compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. These qualities aren’t just suggestions, they are commands! And the best part? As we allow Jesus to work through us, these traits become a natural outpouring of His Spirit in our lives.
COMPASSION can change the world when you focus on giving people a hand UP, not just a hand out!
I want to challenge all of you to accomplish one act of unsolicited KINDNESS every day. Hold a door open for someone, give something away, see a need and meet it, let someone go ahead of you in line, give a compliment, and pay attention to your face because a smile goes a long way!
HUMILITY is not thinking less of yourself but thinking of yourself less. When we are humble before God, HE can use us in powerful ways because our life purpose is not about building our little corner of the universe but participating with God to build His eternal Kingdom!
GENTLENESS means that in moments when anger and toughness seem normal and even expected in our world, we are to choose gentleness with both our words and our actions.
PATIENCE means we are patient with God’s work and God’s timing... we choose God’s timeline and are willing to wait for His best!
FORGIVENESS can be a challenge! Just remember, you only need to forgive people to the same level that it took Jesus to forgive ALL of your sins and failures, which means we have to forgive even when we are not asked, and we have to forgive even when it still hurts and sometimes it means we have to forgive even when there is still some injustice... we have to forgive, just like Jesus.
LOVE is the topcoat that goes over everything. The Bible says that the world will know us as followers of Jesus, by our love—not by our accomplishments or the initials behind our name—but by the way we love each other and our community.
What’s the principle here? It’s pretty simple.
Principle: We are called to be clothed from the inside out.
Today, ask God to help you live in a way that reflects Jesus' love to others. Whether you're at work, at home, or out with friends, your kindness, humility, and patience can be the means through which God touches someone else's life.
“Lord, help me to reflect Your love through my actions today. Help me be a vessel of compassion, kindness, and humility in a world that desperately needs to see Your love. Amen.”
Never forget my friend...
You are a miracle!