Keeping At It, Even When Everything Speaks Against It
I had just opened my devotional book when I realized what I had written here on this day exactly two years ago:
"Just at the time of my frustration. I have so much work again, I'm in the recording studio all the time again, another album that, in the end, hardly anyone will listen to..."
Well, you probably didn't think there was this side of the always happy Déborah, huh? Oh, there is for all of us. Guaranteed!
But you can do something with those thoughts that come up, and that's what determines whether you still keep at it or give up in frustration: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart; don’t depend on your own understanding.” (Proverbs 3:5 NLT).
If you FULLY AND WHOLLY believe that God has put you in this place at this time, then you can FULLY AND WHOLLY trust Him to help you keep at it, too!
What is your part in this promise? Stay with Him while He stays on your miracle!
Peter was no different after fishing all night and catching nothing, so when Jesus told him to stay at it, he was puzzled. Last time it had done no good! But thank God he stayed with it anyway! (See Luke 5:5 NIV)
friend, I also stuck with it and recorded my fifth album, even though the first albums hadn’t gone "through the roof," as they say, and although it cost me endless time, effort, sacrifice and money.
But, who would have thought that exactly this album would become the breakthrough in people's hearts. The songs on it are now playing on the radio and are being used to lead people to Jesus!
What would have happened if I hadn't stuck with it? friend, what could you miss if you don't stay tuned today? You don't really want to miss that, do you?
Stay tuned, friend! Stay tuned!
You are a miracle!