Publication date Feb 20, 2022

Kick your negative thoughts off the throne!

Publication date Feb 20, 2022

“Oh, I’m so dumb…!” “And what if I don’t get well?” “I’m such a failure! “I’ll be struggling with finances all my life.” “I feel hopeless.”

Negative thoughts are devourers, friend. They devour your joy and your peace. They devour your health, too, your relationships...And if you don’t do anything about them, they can settle in for good and do terrible damage.

But rest assured, there is a solution: you can dethrone these thoughts! The Bible encourages you to “cast down arguments” and “bring every thought into captivity to make it obedient to Christ.” It’s what we read here: “casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5, NKJV).  

What do you do when negative thoughts come and settle in your mind, friend? Do you let yourself be invaded? Or do you run these thoughts through the filter of the Word of God and His will for you?

Know that it’s not your negative thoughts that direct are the one who decides where they have to go! You can banish these negative thoughts, chase them away, and then choose to not leave any empty place in their wake! 

In fact, so that these thoughts don’t return, they must be replaced. 😊 The Bible encourages us to fix our gaze on Jesus. Look at Him, friend. Remind yourself, again and again, that at the cross, He brought back the victory...over everything!

Keep these things at the forefront of your mind:

Today, don’t let negative thoughts destabilize and undermine you...dethrone them in Jesus’ name! May your thoughts be filled with Christ! 

Thanks for existing, and you are a miracle!

Eric Célérier