Publication date Jul 6, 2024

Lead Us Not Into Temptation

Publication date Jul 6, 2024

Back when I was a youth pastor, I took a group of high school students to Mexico on a service trip. We took a van from Steinbach, Manitoba, Canada to El Florido, Mexico. At one point, coming through the mountains in California, our engine overheated. The engine block was glowing red with heat. We were stranded and I panicked. A kid named Gary then said, “Maybe we should pray.” 

Thank you Gary! Yes! So we prayed, closed the hood and drove. A few miles down the road the temperature gauge started coming down and when we pulled over to check, one of the leaders put his hand in the engine compartment to find it warm, but not hot!  

I began to personally reflect on this moment and thought, ‘Why don’t I pray in those moments?  Why isn’t prayer my reflex in every moment? Why don’t I pray, “God, deliver me from this anger?”  Why don’t I pray, “God, deliver me from fear?” Why don’t I pray, “God, guide me and show me where to go!” “God, lead me not into temptation and protect me from the Evil One.”  

What greater strategy would the devil have other than to keep God’s kids from talking to their Father?

 “And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.” (Matthew 6:13, NIV). In this part of the prayer, we move from a request for provision, and forgiveness to a request for guidance:  “God, keep me from walking down the predictable path of my own bad decisions.”  

Maybe the following sounds familiar: Dear God, so far today I have done all right. I haven’t gossiped, haven’t lost my temper, haven’t been greedy, grumpy, nasty, selfish or over-indulgent.  I’m really glad about that… But in a few minutes, God, I am going to get out of bed and from then on I am going to need a little more help! Thank you. Amen.”  I hope you caught the little joke in that prayer.

friend, if you are going to follow someone today, will it be the one who leads you into temptation or the One who leads you to safety?

Let's finish today in prayer together.

God, so far today, I need Your help so I can be guided on the right path. I am not sure what today holds, or what will transpire which may make me lose my temper, be greedy, selfish or overindulgent. Walk with me through every minute and hour, so that I can be guided by You. I pray this in Your name, Amen.

You are a miracle!

Grant Fishbook

Lead Teaching Pastor @ctkbellingham or, just a regular guy passionately following Jesus!