"Let us do good to all…"
Is it possible for you to do something good for someone today, friend? I think I already know the answer, even without knowing you personally. :-) Doing good can really be done by anyone! It doesn't always mean we have to give something expensive away—or even that we need to invest a lot of time that we don't have at the moment to be there for another person. "Doing good" can simply be a smile we give away, a moment that we listen.
friend, I have a friend who often responds to my concerns by saying, "I care about you." The first time I heard her say that, it touched me deeply. She didn't need to have the solution to my problems. In my eyes, it was enough just to know that she heard and loved me.
"Therefore, whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone—especially to those in the family of faith." (Galatians 6:10, NLT)
Just being alive is enough reason to pass on all the good that we can! friend, we all need helpful, generous people like this in our lives. So that means that you, too, are a part of this beautiful pattern, this cycle of giving with one hand and receiving with the other.
If you feel like no one has ever really done good to you, please remember the One who gave His very life for you! Jesus died so that you may live FREE of guilt today! He gave it all, out of pure love for you and for me.
What better reason could we have to pass on HIS amazing goodness and love today? :-)
"...God loves a cheerful giver." (2 Corinthians 9:7, NKJV)
You are a miracle!