Publication date Feb 13, 2022

friend, love is the ultimate measure of success

Publication date Feb 13, 2022

Jesus said that it is by our love for each other that the world will know that we are His disciples. (see John 13:35)  

The society we live in measures the success of people and situations by their performance and efficiency…

friend, I believe that the Lord offers us different criteria:

  • The quality of relationships
  • The love we give to others
  • The care and attention we bring to our families and friends

Our God is the ultimate God of relationships. Consider this for a moment—when He created humanity, He created one man and one woman. Because His power is unlimited, He could’ve instantaneously created nations, just by speaking them into existence! Why didn’t He? What’s even more astonishing is God saw that His creation was very good, meaning it was excellent, completed, and perfectly formed. (see Genesis 1:31)  

Jesus created and loves you in a unique, personal way. He doesn’t see you as someone lost in the crowd. On the contrary, His gaze perceives in you everything that makes you a distinct individual. God invites you to make Jesus your model—to love, act, and speak like Him.

In this video today, I’d like to share with you a revelation I had about how God measures success. Please take a few minutes to watch it…I believe it will really encourage you! I’m speaking in French, but the video is subtitled in English. :-)


Let’s pray together today…“Lord Jesus, thank You for not loving the way the world loves. Thank You for not measuring my success by my performance or efficiency but by the quality of my relationships, by how I love. You are a great God! Help me to love the way You love. You are my model for what is important. In Your wonderful name, amen.”

Thanks for existing, and you are a miracle!

Eric Célérier