Publication date Aug 27, 2021

Made in the image of God

Publication date Aug 27, 2021

Do you know that you look like your father? I’m sure we’ve all heard this before, or we’ve heard the opposite: “Oh no, you look like your mother.” I’ve heard both and consider them both compliments. However, I am thrilled to know I have another Father.

Jesus made this fact very clear when He prayed, “‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name…’” (Matthew 6:9, NIV). You and I are made in the image of our eternal Father. Jesus is the only begotten of the Father, but we are His adopted children. The Bible even tells us that “God created mankind in His own image, in the image of God He created them; male and female He created them.” (Genesis 1:27, NIV) 

friend, how does that make you feel? You are designed and created to look like God. In fact, Jesus helped us understand that God’s not a scary, eternal entity—He’s our Father. 

I struggled with this concept because of my broken relationship with my earthly father. Although he was a great man, our relationship was strained in many ways. It took a lot of counseling and altar time to experience my inner healing. Once I allowed God to mend the shattered parts of our father-son relationship, I started to see my Heavenly Father differently. It was only then that I was able to see I was made in the image of God and my earthly father. 

Many people have asked me how I experienced this healing. Here are five things I did...the rest was all the love of God.

  1. I faced my hurt and bitterness.
  2. I verbally forgave my dad in prayer. 
  3. I asked God to forgive me.
  4. God helped me reinterpret my father’s weaknesses and shortcomings. 
  5. I embraced the unconditional love of the Heavenly Father.

These steps are not easy, but they do work. I encourage you to seek healing by taking these steps. I guarantee this process will help you see yourself and God differently.

friend, I’m convinced that one day you will be able to call God “Abba” because you are a miracle. 

Paul Marc Goulet