Make sure you don’t miss the goal.

Today, your hope is within reach!
I know it may not feel that way as you look at what’s going on in your life right now, but it’s the absolute truth! The absolute truth! Do you know what "absolute" means? “Completely certain – without a doubt”!
“But Déborah, nothing, absolutely nothing is going the way it should!” …I know… I’ve been there… And you know who else has experienced this, friend? The people in biblical times.
Take the book of Hebrews, for example. It was written to Jewish Christians who were being persecuted. But God used that very persecution to scatter those first believers throughout the Roman Empire. This led to the gospel spreading like wildfire across the entire empire. What seemed like a terrible situation was actually part of a bigger plan to save countless people.
And I find it so striking how Paul spoke to the people back then. He said, “Don’t miss the goal!” I find that so challenging! You’re already under pressure, everything’s going wrong, and instead of being comforted, you hear: “Don’t miss the goal now!” (See Hebrews 2:1 NLT) And he explains why and how that could happen: “So we must listen very carefully to the truth we have heard, or we may drift away from it.”
Losing the way that God has planned. The way that wouldn’t just help them, but many others. Why does Paul say that we can never hold on to God’s Word with enough determination, friend?
Because God’s Word is full of hope and wants to encourage you, even on the path you don’t like right now: “Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me.” (Psalm 23:4 NLT)
friend, your hope is within reach – will you reach for it?
You are a miracle!