Only so much time…
How much time do you spend on social media, friend? How much time in front of the television?
Depending on your age, there's that daily TV show you absolutely must not miss. Or social media might quickly capture your attention. And I deliberately say "capture your attention."
Perhaps you have a Christian channel playing all day at your place, and you exclusively follow Christian influencers and pastors on social media, thinking that you're growing your faith. And hopefully, you are. But…
Are you aware that we often spend more time with people talking about God than with the God who speaks to you personally?
If we were to reduce the time spent on the internet or in front of the television and maximize the time we spend with God personally, it would eliminate a lot of frustration, loneliness, worry and doubt.
friend, I am overwhelmed and so, so grateful that I get to speak to thousands of people worldwide every day, whether through the Miracle Emails, contributions on Christian TV, on the radio, Facebook, or Instagram. Yet:
If people follow me more than they follow JESUS, then something has gone wrong.
friend, these are thoughts I recently had, and want to share with you in all openness. Because you matter to me!
“Teach us to realize how short our lives are. Then our hearts will become wise.” (Psalm 90:12 NIRV)
Let's be mindful of how we manage our time.
friend, the incredible thing is that Jesus has time for us. Always! What a gift. What love!
You are a miracle!