Personal Miracles from Lizbett

Welcome to Miracle Week on A Miracle Every Day. This week, I am going to share the personal stories of your A Miracle Every Day family. You are going to hear from people, just like you, who cried out to God for a miracle and God said “Yes!”
My prayer is that your faith is encouraged, your hope increases and that you allow the miracles of others to build your trust in Jesus.
Take a moment and ponder this amazing scripture from Psalm 77:14:
“You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples.” (Psalm 77:14, NIV)
Our first miracle is the miracle of spiritual growth. Often, we overlook growing closer to Jesus as a miracle, but when you think that an ordinary human is connecting with a SUPERNATURAL God, that my friends is a miracle! To make it even better, when you consider that God initiated that growth through His Son Jesus, it’s even more amazing! Listen to this story from our friend, Lizbett Zevallos.
I am Lizbett Zevallos, from New York; a follower of "A Miracle Every Day." It is a blessed program, and the teachings are very edifying and fruitful for many people in different countries. GLORY TO GOD! ♥️ Personally, I can say that it is building me up a lot, and I am learning to know and seek the LORD more every day. I attend a congregation near my home where I was baptized, and I am serving there. I always sought to know more about GOD, always carefully ensuring it was genuine. I enrolled in "A Miracle Every Day," and I also did the 21-day studies, which impacted me greatly. Through them, I discovered who I truly am to GOD, my identity that comes from above. Thank you very much for contacting me and taking the time to write to me. I have now enrolled in "A Full Woman," where I will receive teachings on Thursdays. I continue seeking the LORD's purposes for my life. Please, I ask for prayers for myself. I know that GOD has great purposes, and His plans are better and perfect for me according to His will. I know that the work He began in me, He will finish for His GLORY AND HONOR. AMEN! GOD BLESS THE WHOLE TEAM GREATLY IN THIS MINISTRY."
friend, let the words of your A Miracle Every Day sister encourage you because they are SO true – I know that God has great purposes, and His are better and perfect for (you) according to His will.
Romans 12:2 says, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” (Romans 12:2, NIV)
Every day, our dear friend Lizbett is being miraculously transformed by following in the footsteps of Jesus, and my friend, you can experience the same transformation! Today, commit yourself to simply following Jesus. I can share with you, friend, it’s worth it!
Never forget, you are a miracle!
Your friend...Grant