Power in your encouragement
“I've had enough. I’m not doing this anymore.”
Are you thinking that right now, friend? Or do you remember the moment when you thought that? Then I’m sure you look back today and see that it was worth it to persevere!
The words: “I've had enough. I’m not doing this anymore,” and: “I’m calling in sick, I can’t take this anymore,” were sent to me by a friend while I was writing new texts for “A Miracle Every Day.” I wrote down the following quote:
If I wasn’t willing to walk the hard path “in secret,”I wouldn’t experience so many “visible” miracles today.
Encouraged by this, I replied to her: “Hang in there. Don’t give up now!” And then I thought: “How superficial of me. How empty.”
Giving encouragement without the power of faith is like adding a drop of water to a blazing fire.
But since my friend is not a believer and I couldn’t say: “Come on, let’s pray together about this,” I took on this responsibility and wrote afterward: “I will pray for you, for solutions to appear!”
By doing this, friend, we show people how valuable and important they are to us, relieving the pressure, while not saying: “You know, if you would pray, you would experience God,” and giving them the opportunity to experience God’s love by us interceding for them!
“Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.” (1 John 3:18 NIV)
And when they then experience answered prayers, God’s intervention, they will come to realize on their own what has happened here, and in complete freedom (that God gives) they can decide for themselves whether they want to go forward with God or with their own problems! 😉
Because our mission is to love—not to educate.
To whom could you offer your help through prayer today? Who in your circle would benefit from this, friend?
And an important thought to conclude: When you do this, BELIEVE that God hears this prayer and performs miracles! Through your prayer!
You are a miracle!