Publication date Apr 20, 2020

Release the anger and bless instead!

Publication date Apr 20, 2020
How do you react when people do malicious things to you? When they spitefully wrong or hurt you? What emotions rise up inside of you? Or are you perhaps experiencing anger because of a broader situation – for example, because of the coronavirus and how it has impacted your life and our world? In situations like these, it’s definitely normal to feel angry...But the Bible shows us the path to follow when anger arises, a path of great hope. This week, we’ll be talking about how to overcome anger. I pray this series brings you great encouragement and freedom! Anger is a human emotion that God doesn’t condemn. The Lord understands that it can happen. You’re a human being, not a superhero! So, anger in itself is not a sin. The Lord Himself gets angry sometimes (see the Bible, Romans 1:18, Jeremiah 10:10). However, the Bible encourages us to not hold on to it…“‘Be angry, and do not sin’: do not let the sun go down on your wrath,’” (Ephesians 4:26, NKJV). So the Lord, in His Word, is encouraging you to not allow this feeling, this emotion, to take hold long-term. Anger you refuse to release can develop into resentment, into bitterness, into unforgiveness. It becomes dangerous for your soul. I encourage you today, friend...when you feel anger rise up, immediately place the situation into God’s hands. Ask Him to put His hand on your heart and help you get through this period of anger as quickly as possible so that it doesn’t last longer than the day. Even now, Christ can heal your heart and as this song by Mosaic MSC says, call the rage in you to still. The Bible also tells us that we shouldn’t be “...returning evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary blessing, knowing that you were called to this, that you may inherit a blessing.” (1 Peter 3:9) Here’s the secret to a blessed and peaceful life: don’t let the sun go down on your wrath and bless others when they hurt you.  I know, and God knows, that it’s not easy...yet, He knows what is best for us. That’s where the blessing lies, the end of this road. God is right alongside you, and His Spirit will give you the strength to accomplish what is right. I believe it, and I’m praying for you!
Eric Célérier