Publication date Feb 24, 2025

“Rise and shine!”

Publication date Feb 24, 2025

I’m looking forward to this week! Not only will it be about doing something good for ourselves, but it’s also about our calling—your calling, friend. Because I’m sure you feel the same way as I do: we’re so busy with everything that occupies our time that we miss what God has called and equipped us for TODAY, on THIS very day! 

And the amazing thing is this: What God has for us brings so much joy!😀 So, here’s to an exciting week together!

“Rise and shine!” We all know that common phrase. So we’ll kick it off with this verse: “Arise, shine…” (Isaiah 60:1 ESV)—exactly what it says in the Bible. Think about it—if you heard this morning: “Rise and cast your worries on me,” (see Psalms 55:22) that would be so much easier, wouldn’t it?

But today, and in the days to come, we’re going to take a closer look at this verse, which at first sounds a little demanding. When God says, “Arise, shine,” He means: “because I am meeting with you today!” And you don’t want to miss that, do you?

When I read this verse: “Arise, shine,” I didn’t just think, “Oh, how nice. I could do that sometime.” No. I prayed: “Okay, Father! I want to, and I will do it. I want to shine for you! Guide my path!”

And friend, this wasn’t when I was on tour, hopping from stage to stage, where it would have been easy to “shine.” I prayed this while I was on vacation! And, honestly, I’m still amazed—within the next three days of my prayer, I had three encounters that were so FULL of God!

After the vacation, I wasn’t thinking about the delicious fish I ate or how nicely tanned I got. Haha, no. Those three people stayed in my heart, filling me with joy!

And friend, God wants to bless you with moments like that today, too! Moments that outweigh your sadness. Moments more valuable than, “What will I eat today? How will I make it through?” (see Matthew 6:25 NLT).

Imagine your loving Father sitting in heaven right now, thinking: “I hope friend wants to shine today! Because there are so many people around friend who need me!”

Would you say YES to that? “Yes, I choose to shine?”✨✨

Then go ahead and pray like I did: “Okay, Father! I want to, and I will do it. I want to shine for you! Guide my path!”

I’m praying you’ll have unforgettable moments—filled with His love and divine presence!

You are a miracle!

Deborah Rosenkranz

Singer-songwriter and author, but especially Jesus' biggest fan!