Publication date Sep 21, 2024

Save this for the day you have no courage.

Publication date Sep 21, 2024

It was a Monday morning. Just a typical Monday. I had started the day in a good mood until I found out that a project I had been working on for months didn't turn out as I had hoped.

Yes, I know that feeling too, friend, and honestly, it made me very, very, very disappointed and sad.

Especially because it wasn't an easy task that God had asked me to do. And I say consciously, "That God asked me to do," because I was 100% sure that this open door that I walked through was opened by Him.

How many hours, days, months had I continued to work on this project through tears, how many encouragements kept me going along the way, and now this...

"Did I misunderstand God? Did I do something wrong? Is God mad at me? Is He punishing me?" Do you know these silly thoughts? And I also say consciously "silly thoughts" because they are silly.

Sometimes our plan doesn't work out right now because God's bigger plan needs another moment.

friend, if you're going through something similar, this is not meant to be a band-aid. No, it's the truth, as we read in Philippians 1:6: "I am sure of this, that He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ." (Philippians 1:6 ESV

That should be the first thing shooting through your thoughts today! What you allow into your thoughts today will decide whether you continue to trust or if your courage leaves you!

friend, wipe the tears from your face and let the truth back into your heart, that God is still for you, and the projects He has laid on your heart!

I believe it for myself. Do you believe it for yourself too?

Don't forget: We know the same God with the same capabilities, for you and for me!

Keep believing!

You are a miracle!

Deborah Rosenkranz

Singer-songwriter and author, but especially Jesus' biggest fan!