Self-confident, not proud
"You've really got this 'valuing yourself' thing down! I think it's amazing that you can recognize, in good conscience, when you've done something well. Really! Not many people can do that."
I had a grin all over my face when this message from my editor reached me. I had just presented my next book idea to her, confidently sharing that I thought my manuscript was very well done and that it would surely be a success.
friend, a lot had to happen, though, before I reached this point. A few years earlier, I hadn't even dared to write a song for my own album because I believed that others could do it much better than I could.
Funnily enough, of all things, the song I ended up co-writing became the most famous…God even used it to save lives! Hallelujah. But that's a whole other story. :-)
I'm telling you all this today because I pray you can see that God has put something in you, too, something that needs to be shared! In Christ, He has blessed you with every spiritual blessing in heavenly realms, including the gift He's given you!:
"All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ." (Ephesians 1:3, NLT)
friend, through Jesus, you have access today to this amazing portion that you've been given. It's so important that you take hold of it by faith, accepting it confidently. Not proudly…but confidently!
Don't let your gift fade into the background because you don't believe God will actually work through it!
Many people think, "Do I really have a gift?" Self-doubt takes over, and they don't move forward with their gift, learn more, or seek to apply it. Sadly, they miss out on the exciting adventure that comes from letting their gift shine!
May this never be any of us, friend! Take hold of your gift by faith, even if it seems nearly invisible at the moment. It is part of the heavenly portion that's already yours through Jesus today! Who can say no to that? :-)
Shine, friend, shine! ...because who knows? What if God uses your obedience to pursue your gift to save lives?
You are a miracle!