Set a ‘Holy Quiet Time’ - It’s worth it!

"I could skip my quiet time today."
I’m sure you’ve been there, right friend ? Because there's always something going on, or so much is happening that we don't even know when we should take time for our quiet time with God. Or you're going to church anyway today, so that should be enough...
Oh, we humans... 😉
Thankfully, God doesn't think like that! He doesn't think, "Phew, I've created so many people, I don't have time for friend today." Just imagine that!
God always thinks about you, friend! In the Bible it says, "You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways.” (Psalm 139:3 NIV)
And this morning, when I first thought about the pile of work I had to do, I was tempted to skip my quiet time. But at the same time, so many WhatsApp messages landed on my phone, and strangely, I took the time to read all those words...yes, yes, you know that feeling,friend?
But when I realized that, I was startled: "If we took as much time for the Word of God as for the words on our phone, it would impact our whole life!"
"For the word of God is alive and active!" (Hebrews 4:12 NIV)
The words you read on your phone, aren't not necessarily alive or active, right?
Let's rise up and start the day wide with God.
Because often, words we hear in the morning want to take away our strength, but the Word of God will always give us strength.
So why do we keep considering skipping quiet time?
As you can see, we're missing out on the wonderful opportunity that God already has in store for us today.
You are a miracle!