SHABACH: to praise; to address in a loud tone
What a week it has been! We have been experiencing the miracle of worship, knowing that God WANTS us to come into His presence, no matter what is going on in our lives. If you missed any of the days, here is a quick recap!
HALAL הָלַל To boast. To rave. To shine. To celebrate. To be clamorously foolish.
This is the LOUD praise that brags about God no matter what the people around you might think. The Bible says...“Let them praise (halal) his name with dancing and make music to him with timbrel and harp.” (Psalm 149:3, NLT)
TOWDAH תּוֹדָה An extension of the hand. Thanksgiving. A confession. A sacrifice of praise. Thanksgiving for things not yet received. A choir of worshippers. Expectant praise. This is the praise that extends a hand of gratitude. This is the praise that looks back on the faithfulness of God and forward in anticipation of everything He promised that He will be doing in the future and in eternity. The Bible says, “In God have I put my trust: I will not be afraid. What man can do to me? Vows made to You are binding upon me, O God; I will render praises (towdah) to you.” (Psalm 56:11-12, NIV)
ZAMAR זָמַר To make music. To celebrate in song or music. To touch the strings or parts of a musical instrument. Music opens and softens our hearts! The Bible says…“I will sing a new song to You, O God; On a harp of ten strings I will make music (zamar) to You.” (Psalm 144:9, NIV)
YADAH יָדָה To revere or worship with extended hands. To hold out the hands. To throw a stone or arrow. This is the act of reaching for God, physically and spiritually in an act of dependence. Like a child reaching for the parent, we reach to God in obedience and He reaches back. The Bible says…“May the peoples praise (yadah) You, O God; may all the peoples praise (yadah) You.” (Psalm 67:3, NIV)
BARAK בָּרַךְ To kneel. To bless God as an act of adoration. To salute. To thank. This is the quiet praise that humbly kneels in the presence of God. This is grateful posture that goes low, with lifted eyes to see God’s grace and majesty. The Bible says, “I will bless (barak) the LORD at all times; His praise (tehillah) shall continually be in my mouth.” (Psalm 34:1, NKJV)
TEHILLAH תְּהִלָּה Laudation. A Hymn. A song of praise. A new song. A spontaneous song. This is the praise that just bubbles out of you. These are the soul songs that are solely focused on applauding the greatness of God. The Bible says, “Yet you are enthroned as the Holy One; you are the one Israel praises (tehillah).” (Psalm 22:3, NIV)
I have one more word to add.
SHABACH שָׁבַח To address in a loud tone. To shout. To commend, glory and triumph. The Bible says, “One generation shall praise (shabach) Your works to another and shall declare Your mighty acts.” (Psalm 145:4, NKJV)
My friend, as we close out this week, let me end with a question. If you had just one thing to shout to God, about God, what would come out of you? I know we all have it in us. When our team scores on the soccer pitch or the football field, what do we do? We shout! When something amazing happens to us, what do we do? We shout!
Well, the God of the Universe has welcomed us into His throne room and the way was paved with salvation Jesus! Can I get a shout and an AMEN!
May your worship be all about JESUS, today and every day!
You are a miracle!