What is RIGHT in the world?

Hello friend! I am so glad you are joining me for another week of A Miracle Every Day.
A few weeks ago, I was participating in an interesting experiment. I approached a man in a coffee shop and said, “I will buy your coffee if you answer a question.” He said, “Sure!” My question was, “What is right in the world?” His answer was, “Absolutely nothing”.
What a sad response! And yet, I believe this man embodied the sentiment of so many people.
The world often feels like it's falling apart, doesn't it? Every day seems to bring more news of disaster, division, and despair. In the midst of such turmoil, it can feel nearly impossible to focus on anything good. Yet, God’s Word gives us a different way to live. Philippians 4:8 challenges us to intentionally turn our attention toward what is good—toward what is true, noble, pure, and praiseworthy.
"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things." (Philippians 4:8 NIV)
This isn't about ignoring the struggles or pretending everything is fine. It’s about making a conscious choice to focus our hearts and minds on God’s goodness, even when the world around us is shaking. While it may be hard, focusing on what is right in the world, as the Bible encourages us, is an act of obedience and faith.
friend, I have a challenge for you. When you wake up each day this week, take a moment to choose what you will focus on. Instead of doom-scrolling through the news, make a better choice! Yes, there may be plenty of wrong to see, but there is also so much RIGHT! Just this morning, I was focusing on the beauty of creation as I drove to work, the kindness of a friend who sent me an encouraging note, the laughter of my granddaughter on a precious video, the faithfulness of God as people gave their lives to Jesus in our church, and the hope we have in Jesus, every single day!!!
The more we focus on the good, the more we will begin to see God's presence in all things.
friend, what can you focus on today that is good, true, or praiseworthy? Is there a part of your life where God’s goodness is shining through despite the challenges?Let’s pray together... “Lord, thank You for reminding me to focus on what is good in this world. Help me to keep my mind fixed on You, even when the world around me feels broken. Teach me to see Your goodness in everything and use me to point people towards your goodness today! Amen.”
Never forget my friend...
You are a miracle!